STOCKHOLM 2014-11-14
Under natten till torsdag grupperad en luftvärnsbataljon runt om i Stockholm. Luftvärnet och flygvapnet utgör tillsammans det svenska luftförsvaret.

Organisational Structure and Responsibilities

The Swedish Armed Forces is a body subject to the Swedish Parliament and government. It is headed by the Supreme Commander who leads and supervises...

I veckan befinner sig drygt 80 soldater och officerare från Jaeger brigade i Sodankylä, 
i Boden för att öva tillsammans med enheter från Pansarbataljonen vid Norrbottens regemente. Övningen är en del av det fördjupade försvarssamarbetet mellan de nordiska länderna.

Nordic Defence cooperation

The effects of a military conflict, or serious incident, that takes place in the vicinity of Swedish territory, will likely spill over to more than...

Defence cooperation with Finland

Sweden and Finland work on the basis of similar security policies. Both countries wish to expand upon our already extensive cooperation in respect of...

Riksdagens öppnade 2007/2008.

Financial Overview

The Swedish Armed Forces is a tax funded authority. Its annual budget is determined by the Swedish Parliament. The government, through the Ministry of...

Ceremoni för byte av ÖB vid Karlberg

Chief of Defence

Within the framework of government decisions and objectives on defence, the Chief of Defence manages short-term issues against long-term, strategic...

Lidingövägen 24, försvarsmaktens högkvarter. Högkvarteret

Armed Forces Headquarters

The Swedish Armed Forces is commanded by the Armed Forces Headquarters, located in Stockholm. The Armed Forces Headquarters consists of service branch...

Cold Response 2016 i området omkring Namsos, Norge
Avlastning i Hammarnesodden. Fartygen Finnland och M/S Gute.

The Army

The Army organises and trains ground forces and air defence units. In co-ordination with the Air Force and the Navy, Army units conduct domestic and...

Korvetten Härnösand förbereder sig för losskastning. De olika tjänstegrenarna är upptagna med sina förberedelser.

The Navy

The Navy organises and trains naval and amphibious units. In co-ordination with the Air Force and the Army, Navy units conduct domestic and...

En rote med JAS 39 Gripen

The Air Force

The Air Force organises and trains airborne, airbase, and command and control units. In co-ordination with the Army and the Navy, Air Force units...

Hemvärnsövning Skåne

Home Guard

The Home Guard is an integral part of the Armed Forces' operational force, and at some 22,000-strong, accounts for almost half of Armed Forces...

Försvarsmaktshundens främsta uppgift är att med hjälp av sina välutvecklade hörsel- och luktsinnen upptäcka hot och faror i ett tidigt skede. I försvarsmakten tjänstgör ett flertal olika typer av hundar. På bilden har en patrullhund precis markerat på ljud och hundföraren repeterar tecknet vidare.
Foto: Nicklas Gustafsson/Combat Camera

The Intelligence and Security Service

The primary role of the Intelligence and Security services is to evaluate, prevent and repel threats to Sweden and Swedish interests. They examine...

Cyber defence

We defend Sweden, offline and online. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Logistikofficerare förbereder inför redeployering tillbaka till Sverige. Core Battalion ur NBG genomförde v522 en övning på Bornholm.


The Swedish military’s logistics units support all its operations. This support takes the form of services such as training, supply of provisions, and...

Utbildning sjöverkanstålighet/Basic safety. 

Sjukvårdsmoment bilolycka.

Medical support

In the medical sphere, all units are responsible for training and taking care of Armed Forces employees’ physical wellbeing.

20080521 Kallinge..Byggnader och områden kring F17.

Training units, schools and centres

The Swedish Armed Forces includes a structure of units, schools and centres under central command that educate and train personnel towards a shared...