Amfibiebataljonen under övning Sweenex. 2015


Cooperation with other countries is another key aspect of Swedish defence policy. Sweden is an active contributor to various missions led by the UN,...

Barn i en by möter upp svenska spaningsgrupper.  FN-insatsen i Mali, Mali 03, våren 2016.

International missions

The Swedish Armed Forces currently serves in eight countries. Our missions overseas primarily involve peacekeeping troops providing support to...

Hemvärnsövning Skåne


The Swedish Armed Forces conduct thousands of training exercises every year. These range from teaching new recruits to assemble and take apart their...


On this page, you can read about upcoming events such open days, parades and air shows, as well as find out when you can see the Changing of the Guard...

Sedan en tid tillbaka har marinens förband förmågan att upptäcka och verka mot obemannade farkoster, så kallade drönare. En maringemensam utbildningsinsats har gjort det möjligt att snabbt få spridning på kompetensen, som redan används vid ett flertal tillfällen.

Flying a drone (UAV)

When flying a drone, it is important to know about the no-fly-zones of the Swedish Armed Forces. To photograph or film a protected installation area...