As part of this work the Commander of the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM), Cdr Jan Dunmurray, held a presentation at NATO HQ in Brussels on 7th May 2012.The aim was to brief the NATO Operational Policy Committee (OPC) regarding NCGM:s viewpoint on the gender perspective relation to military operations. The focus was on how a gender perspective could be integrated in NATO ordinary operational planning, execution and evaluation processes and systems. The brief included valuable examples for the OPC, and declared why the gender perspective should be included in the operations and work as a "Force multiplier"
The OPC meeting which was chaired by Ambassador Stephen Evans, Assistant Secretary General Operations was held in the ISAF + KFOR sphere with approximately 45 nations represented.The brief was followed by a Q&A session where several nations showed great interest in the subject on how to integrate a gender perspective in all operational activities and at all levels from the strategic downwards.