The course is based on UN Infantry Battalion Manual, NORDCAPS PSO Tactical Manual but not least the instructors own solid experience from different missions. During this course the instructors came from Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark and Norway. Important as well are the 40-something role-players – the youngest 20 years old and the oldest 82 years old – who themselves to a large degree are veterans from different missions and therefore can put up a realistic scenario, interacting as the situation develops.
The students came from 9 different countries, from Benin to Zambia, with one large contingent with 25 students from Switzerland. For some this is their first experience of UN and peace-keeping while others have done it before but want’s to update themselves on the latest experiences. This means for sure that the level of synergy is high, thereby achieving one of the purposes of the course: on individual level gain military cultural awareness and understanding.
The course runs for two weeks, where the first week are centered around basic knowledge and skills on UN, Rules of Engagement, negotiation, handbooks which more and more turns into practical exercises in patrol-, escort-, checkpoint duties and so on until second weeks climax in a 24 hrs exercise where all skills are practiced. During the weekend in-between there is a break with cultural diversion, shopping and jovial time together.
This is an annual course given by the Swedish international centre and anyone belonging to the target group interested in attending are kindly requested to look at the SWEDINT Course Catalogue for information of when and how to apply. Next UNJOC is scheduled 09-20 March 2015.