The transport aircraft unit – an important component

Flying materiel between bases, fuelling helicopters and transporting ambulances. These are some of the tasks that the transport aircraft unit of the Nordic Battlegroup have to be able to perform.

NBG 2014-04-29. Befälhavare Johan Laurin och piloten John Adamsson går igenom ett avslutat flygpass.
NBG 2014-04-29. Befälhavare Johan Laurin och piloten John Adamsson går igenom ett avslutat flygpass.
Commander Johan Laurin and Pilot John Adamsson review a completed flying session. Photo: Helene Nyberg/The Swedish Armed Forces

The aviation wing at Skaraborg is the hub for Sweden's military transport aircraft. All operations involving transport and specialised aircraft within the Swedish Armed Forces are directed and managed here. This could mean using a C-130 Hercules plane to transport dangerous cargo, flying Government officials or moving personnel in an international operation.

"The tasks vary but the most common load on long journeys is hazardous goods (like ammunition)," says Commander Johan Laurin of the F 7 in Såtenäs.

The tasks that the unit have to be able to perform in the Nordic Battlegroup are essentially those that the unit performs every day. Transport of various kinds and under varying conditions. For example, landing at a temporarily built airport with a gravel runway. While at the same time there may be a heightened risk of danger.

"It does not differ very much from what we do every day and when we have finished training, we will be ready."

There are two training sessions planned for after the summer. One, which will be conducted under their own management, will focus on practising flying in a war zone and the other will focus on dropping materiel from the sky and landing on gravel runways.