A tool for Gender Mainstreaming

The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations’ (NCGM) 10 days Gender Training of Trainers Course ended last week with great result. 28 Military and Civilians from 18 different nations represented from four continents was participating at the course that was held at SWEDINT in Kungsängen, Sweden.

Gender NCGM Training of Triners course at SWEDINT
Gender NCGM Training of Triners course at SWEDINT
Josef Liebminger is sharing his impressions of the course in an interview with NCGM´s Communication Officer Ella Hedengrahn. Photo: Ella Hedengrahn, NCGM/SWEDINT
Gender NCGM Training of Triners course at SWEDINT
Senior Course Student LtCol Josef Liebminger from Austria gets his certificate from Jan Dunmurray, Head of NCGM Photo: Ella Hedengrahn, NCGM/SWEDINT
Gender NCGM Training of Triners course at SWEDINT
The course is conducting training for different levels with a variety of training audiences. Here the course Instructors is having a demonstration on how to conduct training with a gender perspective. Photo: Ella Hedengrahn, NCGM/SWEDINT

After the course the Students will be able to perform as trainers for troops, units and Officers from defence, security structures, and civilian equivalent. The aim of the course is to prepare instructors and trainers to plan, conduct and evaluate education, training and exercises. From the first day the Students were very “hands on” and actively involved in the course.


“Through lectures and case studies the students uses their knowledge and own experiences on how to implement a gender perspective. This is an interesting learning process, because many of them have been working with training without realizing the already existing gender elements” says Course Director LtCol Grethe Stensland, NCGM.

“I have participated in courses at SWEDINT before but this was my first Training Course on Gender. I am very pleased with NCGM and their work, it´s very important that there is a Centre for Gender. Every day involves gender related issues but I have not always seen it. The Gender Training of Trainers Course has made me open my eyes and realize that a gender perspective is necessary in Military Operations to be able to see the whole picture. I am going to use this new knowledge and implement it in my country” says Senior Course Student LtCol Josef Liebminger, Austria.

“NCGM Mission is to enable military and security actors to apply a gender perspective in every situation to increase the operational effect in providing security to men, women, boys and girls. One of the best ways of making this possible is to train trainers who will be agents for change and a tool for gender mainstreaming in various organizations and nations, which is in line with the intention of implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1325” says Commander Jan Dunmurray, Head of the NCGM.

The next GToT course will be conducted at NCGM from 11-20 November 2015.