Approved result

There has been feverish activity at F 21 in recent weeks. The Swedish Fighter Unit, which has been in readiness for NATO’s Response Force from the beginning of the year, has conducted a NATO evaluation.

Sweden has been part of the NATO Response Force since 2014, with its associated reserve force register, Response Force Pool. Countries in the reserve force register must carry out an evaluation approximately every fourth year to ensure that they are up to NATO standards. After a great deal of preparation during the autumn, the Swedish Fighter Unit, conducted a NATO evaluation during the last week with an approved result.

“I'm incredibly happy and proud. We have managed to complete the operation in six months, which normally takes one and a half years to complete. We have experienced an incredible team and fighting spirit in the unit,” says Carl-Johan Edström, wing commander at F 21.

All component parts were tested during the evaluation, but mainly the unit’s capability regarding flight operations, protection of its own deployment and logistics.

“The entire unit has been approved and corresponds to NATO’s requirements for units in readiness. It’s extremely pleasing that we achieved a very good result regarding the implementation of operations and protection during the evaluation.

The Swedish Fighter Unit consists of staff from the 211th fighter division and other airbase battalions at Norrbotten Wing, and at the turn of the year they are to be prepared to be deployed within ninety days if necessary. A government decision is required for a Swedish task force to become operational.