This week Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) has completed yet another of our NATO accredited activities as Department Head of all gender curricula on Gender – The annual Commanding Officers Seminar on Gender Perspectives.

The three day seminar aims to increase Commanding Officers’ knowledge of how a gender perspective can be integrated into the daily work at operational and tactical level and provides practical examples on how gender perspectives have been integrated into current operations. It also provides practical examples how different gender functions – gender advisors, gender focal points - can assist and be a resource for the Commanders and their staff.

This year’s seminar assembled twenty two participants both military and civilian, from ten different nations, which we consider a fantastic turnout. The format is a mixture of lectures, round table and panel discussion, case studies in syndicates and individual tasks. As Chatham House Rule is applied the discussions tend to be engaging, open and candid. NCGM puts effort into creating an environment during the seminar that is friendly and informal to encourage this kind of openness in the group, and we are pleased that our participants unanimously express their appreciation for this. Consequently the most valuable parts of these days were undoubtedly the discussions where participants shared their own knowledge, experience and challenges.

The seminar is an annual event with the next scheduled for the 29 November to 1 December 2016.