“We cannot discount more than half of the population if we want to succeed”

During two days, 18-19 June, NCGM is holding the recurring Gender Key Leader Seminar (KLS). The KLS focuses on how to implement gender perspectives in military operations and how this will contribute to the achievement of the overall political, military strategic and operational objectives. The seminar is directed towards Flag Officers (OF 6-9), Key Leaders (senior leaders or senior NCOs), Ambassadors or senior Civilian Representatives, and the venue is Swedish Defence College.

KLS, Key leader Seminar, NCGM, SWEDINT, Stockholm
KLS, Key leader Seminar, NCGM, SWEDINT, Stockholm
Photo: Jan Gustafsson/SWEDINT
KLS, Key leader Seminar, NCGM, SWEDINT, Stockholm
Photo: Jan Gustafsson/SWEDINT
KLS, Key leader Seminar, NCGM, SWEDINT, Stockholm
Photo: Jan Gustafsson/SWEDINT

The complex nature of‎ the modern operating environment will not afford us the opportunity to discount more than half of the population if we want to succeed”, says seminar Chairperson, Rear Admiral Jennifer Bennett from Canada. “We have seen how Gender in Military Operations can contribute to success in operations. By identifying an often overlooked group within the population, recognizing their specific needs and providing a comprehensive response, the operational environment is positively influenced.”

The seminar aims to increase key leaders' knowledge of how to integrate gender perspectives into operations planning, execution and evaluation at strategic and operational level. Enhancing the participation of women in military, stability and peacekeeping operations is important, as is stated in UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (and related resolutions) about Women, Peace and Security.

“Resolution 1325 addresses the significant and disproportionate impact that armed conflict has on women and girls, not least when it comes to Conflict Related Sexual Violence, as well as the under-valued and under-utilised contributions women make to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peacebuilding”, says RAdm Bennett. “I hope that participants of the KLS will return to their nations knowing how they can implement UNSCR 1325 with a great understanding of why the military should be more engaged while also benefitting from a network of subject matter experts and best practices.”