The Swedish Armed Forces assists the police with border surveillance

The Swedish Police have requested support in order to maintain the government’s entry ban and control the border towards Norway. Primarily eight locations in the regions of Värmland and Dalarna are concerned. The surveillance may be extended to other locations, however, should traffic flows increase.

Polisen samverkar med skyddsvakten på plats.
Polisen samverkar med skyddsvakten på plats.
The Armed Forces will assist the police with border surveillance towards Norway. Photo: Alexander Karlsson/Försvarsmakten

“Whenever possible, the Swedish Armed Forces supports society with available resources, while performing regular tasks. We have the capability, accessible units as well as personnel with local knowledge”, Magnus Lüning, Head of Operations, says.

The task will be solved by the Western and Central Military Regions, with the support of personnel from the Home Guard and employed soldiers from Ing 2, P 4, P 7 and Lv 6.

The request for support regards observation, documentation and reporting at border crossings. The decision will remain in force until 14 February.