Therese Naess new head of national Centre for Cyber Security

Therese Naess is the newly appointed head of the national Centre for Cyber Security, currently under establishment. The Swedish Armed Forces is one of several government agencies concerned.

Therese Naess, newly appointed head of the national centre for cyber security. Photo: Swedish Security Service

The national Centre for Cyber Security is tasked with co-locating activities conducted within the Security Service, the Swedish Armed Forces, the National Defence Radio Establishment and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. This is done in close co-operation with the Swedish Armed Forces Materiel Administration, the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority and the Swedish Police.

The newly appointed head of the national centre for cyber security has a long-standing experience in fighting serious security threats to society, from the Security Service and the Swedish Migration Agency.

“My job is to provide frameworks and goals. I believe this is necessary when a new organisation such as a cyber security centre is being built”, says Therese Naess.

The Swedish Armed Forces Director-General Mikael Granholm welcomes Therese Naess. “The appointment of a head is a decisive step towards further development of the centre. The Swedish Armed Forces will continue to contribute with competencies in the IT security field, global monitoring and personnel within cyber security”, he says.