The reinforced armoured battalion in Gotland forged together in a new environment

Gotland has had a lot of attention lately, but for the concerned units the situation has quickly become routine in a new environment.

Två soldater med ammunitionslåda.
Två soldater med ammunitionslåda.
The 181st Armoured Battalion, a regular unit belonging to Gotland Regiment, has been reinforced recently. Photo: Emy Åklundh /Swedish Armed Forces
Moa Öhrman Helsén och David Yhr från operativa beredskapsenheten.
Moa Öhrman Helsén and David Yhr. Photo: Tomas Ängshammar/Swedish Armed Forces

The Swedish Armed Forces has reallocated accessible resources lately, in order to reinforce presence in Gotland. Most of the new units are now ready to start activities in the new environment.

For Moa Öhrman Helsén from the operational preparedness unit at Norrbotten Regiment (I 19), the days are filled with the exact tasks that she and her colleagues are trained for – swift redeployment from one location to another.

“The sense of togetherness in the unit is one of the things I like best in this job. People living in the area have also been very welcoming, showing that they are happy to have us here”, says Moa Helsén.

The allocated units are to be attached to the 181st Armoured Battalion, a regular unit belonging to Gotland Regiment. The head of battalion, Ulf Hamberg has seen his unit grow considerably lately.

“I normally think that there should be more of us here in Gotland, so I’m happier than usual right now”, says Ulf Hamberg.

According to new routines, newly arrived and regular units will now conduct activities in order to forge the battalion together. Joining units at this peak period of the pandemic has been a challenge. So far, the units in Gotland have been spared compared to the rest of society and the Swedish Armed Forces is taking precautions to maintain low levels of the virus among the units.