Historic Swedish force arrives in Latvia

In the early hours of Saturday January 18, the ship carrying parts of the Swedish battalion arrived at the port of Riga, escorted by the Swedish Air Force and units from the Swedish and Latvian navies. This marks Sweden’s largest commitment yet since joining NATO – contributing to the multinational brigade, MNB-LVA, in Latvia.

Delar ur den svenska bataljonen landstiger i Lettland.
Delar ur den svenska bataljonen landstiger i Lettland.
The Swedish battalion arriving in Latvia. Photo: Amanda Gahm/Swedish Armed Forces
Den svenska bataljonen under lastning för vidare transport till Lettland.
The Swedish battalion boarding ship to Latvia. Photo: Amanda Gahm/Swedish Armed Forces
De strategiska transporterna eskorterades av flygvapnet och enheter ur marinen.
The strategic transports were escorted by the Swedish Air Force and units from the Swedish Navy. Photo: Ola Jacobsen/Swedish Armed Forces
Bataljonschef överstelöjtnant Henrik Rosdahl hälsar på chefen för den multinationella brigaden och tilldelas brigadens märke.
Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Rosdahl is greeted by the commander of the Multinational Brigade Latvia, Colonel Cédric Aspirault. Photo: Felix Sundbäck/Swedish Armed Forces
Stridsfordon 90 på väg mot omlastning i Riga.
CV90 disembarking in Riga Harbour. Photo: Amanda Gahm/Swedish Armed Forces

Since Sweden became a NATO member just under a year ago, preparations have been underway for the Swedish Army’s participation in NATO’s multinational brigade in Latvia. It is one among eight NATO brigades stationed along the alliance’s eastern border. The Swedish force's mission is to contribute to the alliance’s deterrence and defence efforts, and ensure stability in the region. As a mechanised infantry battalion, the unit contributes significant capability and firepower to the brigade.

The battalion will be stationed outside the town of Adazi at a camp operated by Denmark but shared semi-annually between Sweden and Denmark.

The Swedish contribution consists of the 71st Battalion, from the South Skåne Regiment.

"The battalion has worked hard for this and now we are finally here. I feel a great sense of pride in the task of contributing to the alliance’s collective defence. It’s a historic day, but at the same time, it’s our new normal", says Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Rosdahl.

The Swedish soldiers and vehicles disembarked from the ferry, guarded by units from the Latvian National Guard. The battalion was welcomed by a delegation including Latvia's Minister of Defence, Andris Spruds, Division Commander Major General Jette Albinus, and Brigade Commander Colonel Cédric Aspirault. The latter also took the opportunity to present the Swedish commander with the brigade’s patch, which will soon be on the shoulder of everyone in the Swedish battalion.

"We welcome the Swedish Mechanised Infantry battalion to the NATO Multinational Brigade Latvia. Their presence is a valued addition to our combat-ready force, enhancing our collective defence efforts and strengthening regional security. Every contributing nation directly impacts the success of the brigade, demonstrating a solid alliance and willpower to protect the peace of our world", says Colonel Cédric Aspirault, commander of the NATO Multinational Brigade Latvia.


The Swedish battalion’s mission in Latvia will initially last for six months. For now the battalion will focus on settling in at Camp Valdemar. In February, the authority of the battalion will be transferred to the brigade. Thereafter, an extensive series of exercises with the rest of the brigade will follow.