Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Since 2022, Swedish instructors have participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
Operation Interflex is led by the United Kingdom and currently includes instructors from 13 nations.
Matilda is one of the Swedish instructors who has participated in the training of Ukrainian recruits in the UK-led Operation Interflex since 2022.
Photo: Swedish Armed Forces
The Swedish Armed Forces contribute instructors from the Army’s units and the Home Guard. A historic milestone was reached for the Home Guard in August 2023 when its first instructors were deployed to the UK – marking the first time the force has taken part in an operation beyond Sweden’s borders. At present, the Home Guard is once again staffing the mission. However, during the autumn, training was carried out by Skaraborg Regiment P 4, with some of the same instructors who were part of the initial deployment in October 2022.
– What we are giving them now are their survival tools. They will be placed in situations that will demand incredible things from them. That’s why it is so important to me, on a personal level that we pass on everything we know, says Matilda.
Realism and Camaraderie
Training takes place at several British Army training facilities. The five-week basic soldier programme covers key areas such as fieldcraft, medical training, and equipment knowledge, as well as defensive tactics, urban combat, and buddy team tactics. In just a short period, a civilian is transformed into a competent soldier with a solid foundation to build upon. The friendships that develop over the five-week period are inevitable, says fellow instructor, Robin.
– We become very close. I suppose it’s the seriousness of the task that brings us together. When they leave, it’s tough. We try to give them a degree of normality before they return, while at the same time making them as skilled as possible so that they can liberate their country, he says.
In total, several hundred Swedish instructors have participated in training the Ukrainian recruits, set to continue through the spring.