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For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

The NCGM Military Gender Analysis Tool 25 November 20211:01 PM

The work to develop a gender analysis tool specifically designed for the military started in the spring of 2020. Addressing identified gaps by our community of interest, the Military Gender Analysis...

New era for Swedish air defence
New era for Swedish air defence 19 November 20215:47 PM

The introduction of the new PATRIOT system on 18 November 2021 marks the beginning of a new era for Swedish air defence. The system, which goes by the name of Air defence system 103 (LvS103), is a...

Task Force Takuba under Swedish command
Task Force Takuba under Swedish command 17 November 20213:42 PM

The newly appointed Swedish commander of Task Force Takuba took formal command of the multi-national Special Forces mission in Mali on Wednesday.

Jens Stoltenberg, Nato, i samtal med svenska soldater.
Stoltenberg: "I’m impressed by the professionalism of the Swedish defence" 1 November 20214:18 PM

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the Swedish and Finnish defence ministers and ambassadors from the North Atlantic Council were able to monitor Swedish and Finnish ships as they conducted a...

Live firing with US rocket artillery 25 October 20214:30 PM

During the ongoing Special Forces exercise, new capabilities and weapon systems have been tested to enhance the joint operational capability in the vicinity of Sweden. For the first time, the US...

Top secret submarine weapon checked under realistic circumstances 21 October 202111:16 AM

During a dark October night, one of the Navy’s submarines met a service ship to load torpedoes. What happened in the quiet bay on the Swedish east coast proves that one of the top secret capabilities...

The Swedish Armed Forces expands
The Swedish Armed Forces expands 7 October 20212:49 PM

The Swedish Armed Forces is now being reinforced by two new units. In a festive ceremony in Arvidsjaur on 24 September, the Norrland Dragoon Regiment, K 4, was reinaugurated. “A historical day for...

Stridsvagn på Gotland
First exercise with tanks at P 18 in 21 years 24 September 20211:35 PM

"A tank regiment should have its tanks”. Ulf Hamberg, head of the 181st Tank Battalion, is content as he comments the first exercise with tanks at P 18 in 21 years.

Advanced CPX sharpens military cooperation
Advanced CPX sharpens military cooperation 22 September 202111:51 AM

The large multinational command post exercise Joint Protector 21 was initiated on 16 September in Älvdalen.

Empowerment– a collective plan for a stronger total defence
Empowerment – a collective plan for a stronger total defence 20 September 20213:54 PM

In times of uncertainty and rapid change, one of Sweden’s major responsibilities is to strengthen the collected ability to defend the country. Tasked by the government, the Swedish Armed Forces and...