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The Swedish Armed Forces expands
The Swedish Armed Forces expands 7 October 20212:49 PM

The Swedish Armed Forces is now being reinforced by two new units. In a festive ceremony in Arvidsjaur on 24 September, the Norrland Dragoon Regiment, K 4, was reinaugurated. “A historical day for...

Stridsvagn på Gotland
First exercise with tanks at P 18 in 21 years 24 September 20211:35 PM

"A tank regiment should have its tanks”. Ulf Hamberg, head of the 181st Tank Battalion, is content as he comments the first exercise with tanks at P 18 in 21 years.

Advanced CPX sharpens military cooperation
Advanced CPX sharpens military cooperation 22 September 202111:51 AM

The large multinational command post exercise Joint Protector 21 was initiated on 16 September in Älvdalen.

Empowerment– a collective plan for a stronger total defence
Empowerment – a collective plan for a stronger total defence 20 September 20213:54 PM

In times of uncertainty and rapid change, one of Sweden’s major responsibilities is to strengthen the collected ability to defend the country. Tasked by the government, the Swedish Armed Forces and...

Task Force Takuba är en multinationell specialförbandsinsats. Bilden visar specialförbandsoperatörer från andra nationer på plats i insatsområdet.
Swedish senior position in Task Force Takuba 16 September 20213:47 PM

Sweden has accepted a request from France to man the position as Commander of Task Force Takuba, from November 2021 until February 2022, in the French-led special forces mission Task Force Takuba in...

Launch of the  Northern Coasts 21 naval exercise
Launch of the naval exercise Northern Coasts 21 13 September 202112:34 PM

This Monday, the naval exercise Northern Coasts begins. Nearly 2 000 individuals and 28 vessels from 15 nations will participate in the annual Northern Coasts naval exercise that takes place in the...

Therese Naess, Säkerhetspolisen.
Therese Naess new head of national Centre for Cyber Security 10 September 20213:38 PM

Therese Naess is the newly appointed head of the national Centre for Cyber Security, currently under establishment. The Swedish Armed Forces is one of several government agencies concerned.

Uniform på jobbet dagen
Uniform to Work Day 3 September 20213:59 PM

Each year, the Swedish Armed Forces Home Guard celebrates Uniform to Work Day.

Sverige evakuerar civila från flygplatsen i Kabul, Afghanistan
Evacuation from Afghanistan completed 3 September 20212:39 PM

At a press conference on Friday, the Swedish government announced that the evacuation mission has been completed and that all Swedish personnel have now left Afghanistan.

Sverige evakuerar civila från flygplatsen i Kabul, Afghanistan
Swedish personnel unharmed 27 August 20214:05 PM

No Swedish personnel were harmed at Kabul Airport in the explosion in Kabul on Thursday afternoon. All members of the Swedish operation at the Hamid Karzai Airport have been counted and all are...