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Hemvärnssoldat släcker brand norr om Kårböle. När som helst kan den pyrande branden flamma upp och soldaterna håller noggrant utkik efter glöd och öppna lågor för att kunna bekämpa dessa omgående.

Runt byn Kårböle i norra Hälsingland rasar tre stora skogsbränder. Byn är sedan en vecka tillbaka evakuerad och släckningsarbetet pågår febrilt mot elden med samlade förmågor från olika myndigheter, frivilliga samt tillrest räddningstjänst från flera europeiska grannländer. Brandområdena är indelade i tre olika sektorer där man försöker isolera elden inom så kallade begränsningslinjer. Förutom att hindra vidare spridning så är det särskilt viktigt att hålla elden borta från orten Kårböle samt viktig infrastruktur.
Intensive summer period for the Swedish Armed Forces 28 August 201811:31 AM

More than 90 deployments all over the country, an estimated 220,000 working hours, more than 270 hours of helicopter flying – the Swedish Armed Forces have provided all of these to society throughout...

Senior advisor seminar på SWEDINT, LIVGARDET 20180618.
SWEDINT SEMINAR 10 July 20184:08 PM

In order to discuss topics relevant to contemporary peacekeeping operations, the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre, SWEDINT, arranged a seminar 18-19 June with focus on Pre-deployment and...

KLS, Key leader Seminar, NCGM, SWEDINT, Stockholm
“We cannot discount more than half of the population if we want to succeed” 18 June 20184:07 PM

During two days, 18-19 June, NCGM is holding the recurring Gender Key Leader Seminar (KLS). The KLS focuses on how to implement gender perspectives in military operations and how this will contribute...

Försvarsmakten veterandagen
Major support for Veterans’ Day 4 June 20189:29 AM

Veterans’ Day on 29 May has been declared a general flag day as of 2018, and this year the day began at 8am with the raising of the flags at the Maritime Museum on the island of Djurgården in...

Försvarsmakten Gotland P 18 invigning
Emotional ceremony at the celebration of the establishment of the Gotland Regiment 25 May 20188:50 AM

In front of an audience about 1000-strong that included His Majesty the King, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence and the Commander in Chief, the Gotland Regiment took back the flag that was...

OP SEM, Operations Planning Seminar 2018 at SWEDINT
Operations planning seminar 2018 24 May 20184:37 PM

Operations planning seminar 2018 (OPSEM 18) will be conducted on 22-24 May 2018 at the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre. OPSEM is an arena where experienced, long term horizon operations...

SWEDINT, VIKING18, Kungsängen
VIKING 18 UNDERWAY 20 April 20184:13 PM

At SWEDINT, the location for Site Kungsängen, the exercise Viking 18 is going full steam ahead. The aim of the exercise is to train and educate participants – civilian, military and police - to meet...

Ledningsträningsanläggningen på Ledningsregementet under Viking 18
"Welcome to Viking 18" 17 April 20186:44 PM

All participants are checked in and ready to take on exercise Viking 18. At nine sites in six countries around 2500 people will work together and do their utmost to handle an international crisis....


Captain Melina Clerc just finished two intensive weeks at the Multinational Tactical Planning Course (MTPC) at SWEDINT. Capt Clerc took part of the course in preparation for a planning process at her...

Marines in mutually beneficial cooperation
Marines in mutually beneficial cooperation 18 January 201810:08 AM

Later this year, 1st Marine Regiment will host a bilateral exercise in the Stockholm archipelago, named “Archipelago Endeavor 18”. The purpose of the exercise is interoperability and cooperation...