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A Military world record on the first day of competition
A Military world record on the first day of competition 24 August 201610:06 AM

Despite rain, wind and a temperature of only just over 10 degrees, a new military world record has already been set on the first day of competition in the World Military Lifesaving Championship....

Bison Counter 2016
Knowledge Means The Power To Act 23 August 20164:17 PM

The threat of improvised explosive devices (IED) is a reality that every unit working in an area of conflict needs to address. Every soldier needs to be aware of how to act when faced with such a...

Övning Bison Counter
Mobile high technology in the fight against improvised bombs 20 August 201610:07 AM

The Exercise Bison Counter is underway and initial exercises and tests are carried out as well as exchange of knowledge. Among other things, JDEAL (Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis...

Bison Counter
Getting prepared for action 17 August 20161:40 PM

Military vehicles have moved towards Skillingaryd in Småland for several days with representatives from units in Sweden, units in several countries in Europe as well as participants from the US. The...

Opening Ceremony of 48th World Military Lifesaving Championships at Halmstad Castle.
All the teams in the courtyard.
Games declared open 10 August 20162:14 PM

– I hereby declare the 48th World Military Lifesaving Championship open, said Rear Admiral Jens Nykvist, Patron of the championship. Then one by one, the teams marched out from the opening ceremony.

Training day during WMLC 16. Brottet, Halmstad
First Pool Training 10 August 201610:32 AM

In order to get a real pool feeling the teams trained for the first time in the pool in which the competition will be held. The 48th World Military Lifesaving Championships opened yesterday with pomp...

Tester maskinell minröjning vid Norra Kulla, SWEDEC.
We got the SWEDEC quality stamp 9 August 20161:24 PM

SWEDEC in Eksjö, has conducted testing of mechanical demining systems since late 1990. Since there is no other facility in Northern Europe and very few in the world that can offer these opportunities...

Delar av den svenska styrkan i Mali sampatrullerar med FN-polis i Timbuktu och samverkar med lokalbefolkningen om säkerhetsläget. 

Den svenska styrkan i Mali är en del av FNs stabiliseringsinsats MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali), och utgörs av ett underrättelseförband och en nationell stödenhet. Huvuddelen av styrkan är placerad på Camp Nobel i utkanten av Timbuktu. Svenskarna är tillsammans med ett motsvarande nederländskt förband i Gao en del av det multinationella och fristående underrättelseförbandet ASIFU (All Sources Information Fusion Unit).

Den 25 april 2013 antog FN´s säkerhetsråd resolution 2100, som med stöd av FN-stadgans kapitel VII inrättade en FN-ledd stabiliseringsinsats i Mali, MINUSMA. I FNs säkerhetsråds resolution 2227 ges MINUSMA sitt mandat att utföra fyra priotiterade uppgifter och två tilläggsuppgifter som bland annat infattar säkerhet, stabilisering och skydd av civila och stöd till återupprättandet av den Maliska statens kontroll av det egna territoriet. Det svenska underrättelseförbandet har till uppgift att stödja MINUSMAs uppfyllande av säkerhetsrådets mandat genom att leverera underrättelser som kan ligga till grund för MINUSMAs beslutsfattande.
Sweden in MINUSMA, Mali and the Sahel – a long-term commitment to peace and progress 20 June 20169:32 AM

Sweden is committed to promoting peace in Mali and the Sahel. Since contributing to the very first UN peace operation in 1948, 80.000 Swedes have served in UN peace operations. Sweden is an active...

STA/Markstridsskolan deltog under Våreld 2016 med uppföljning och underlag för utvärdering.  Uppfööljning på fältet av STA kompani.
Multi-faceted combat training facility gives better results 19 June 201610:01 AM

Let's face it, military life is something special. Working as an officer, soldier or sailor is a very serious profession, where ultimately you hold your own and others' lives in your hands. When it...

UNPOCT, United Nations Protection Of Civilians Training. 
Integrated Approach Key 1 June 20167:45 AM

In the context of United Nations peacekeeping operations, the protection of civilians is a core task. Even though the protection of civilians primarily is the responsibility of the host government,...