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Stormy times are difficult - but good for us 24 October 20081:49 PM

The Armed Forces have been buffeted by the storms of changing times this autumn. Events in Georgia were a reminder of the uncertainty that characterises our part of the world, and, almost at the same...

Swedish defence of world class - but not for much longer 24 October 20081:41 PM

Conversation with Supreme Commander Håkan Syrén roams over many subjects, from the unavoidable - that Sweden, with a defence that will no longer occupy a position in the world's top ranks, is becoming...

Kicking Bear Crossing – Cherokee Road, Sept. 2008: ”… advance through Echo Alfa” 24 October 20081:34 PM

Order: Echo Alfa! Secure entry zone. Entry point window. Foxtrot Alfa! First attack group, advance through Echo Alfa. Golf and Hotel! Prepare to support Foxtrot. Forward!

Full speed ahead for A9 in Boden 24 October 20081:30 PM

For at least a decade the future of the artillery has been more or less written off. The classic Swedish howitzer 77B is not only worn out, but has also been made obsolete in the field of indirect...

Volunteer movement facing uncertain future 24 October 20081:23 PM

Sweden's defence volunteers face financially tough times ahead after the report of the government inquiry into voluntary organisations in the field of defence is published on 31st October."The state...

"It's high time that Sweden acknowledges her veteran soldiers" 24 October 20081:18 PM

A dedicated website for each international mission, information aimed at children and increased personal contact to catch those with emotional problems. These are some of the proposals presented by...

"Taking security threats seriously can be politically unpopular…" 24 October 20081:11 PM

Crises and threats today are not restricted by anything so banal as national borders. Terrorism, natural catastrophes, crime and epidemics are but a few of possible threats to the security of our...

Ten puzzle pieces build a picture of successful leadership 24 October 20081:04 PM

What is required of a Swedish officer serving overseas? How does the officer prepare him- or herself or those serving under his or her command, subordinate officers as well as soldiers, for the...

East Congo more dangerous for women than soldiers 24 October 20081:00 PM

It's been a long time since wars and armed conflicts were played out on battlefields between two military forces, following a formal declaration if war. Modern conflicts can blow up anywhere, and have...

"Increased military co-operation between the Nordic countries has to be a great idea" 24 October 200812:54 PM

"Events in the Caucasus show that Finland's defence policy is the right one". So says Yrsa Grüne, international security correspondent for Helsinki's Swedish language newspaper, Hufvudstadsbladet. She...