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For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

UNPOCC första kurs vid SWEDINT, FN.
United Nations Protection of Civilians Course
First UNPOCC at SWEDINT 5 February 20156:23 PM

The United Nations Protection of Civilians Course (UNPOCC) was successfully conducted at SWEDINT 26 -30 JAN 2015. The Protection of Civilians (POC) is one of today’s most important crosscutting themes...

MTPC at Swedint
First week of MTPC 4 February 20155:25 PM

31 students from 14 different countries are participating in the NATO/Partnership Multinational Tactical Planning Course (MTPC) started at SWEDINT Monday 2nd of February.

Ny Chef SWEDINT, Överste Peter Fredriksson
Change of Command at SWEDINT 2 February 20156:16 PM

Colonel Peter Fredriksson took command over the Swedish Armed Forces International Center - SWEDINT today. 2 February 2015.

Nordiska och baltiska försvarschefer träffas i Norge, 29-30 jan, 2015.
Nordic-Baltic Chief of defence meeting in Norway 30 January 20153:34 PM

The annual Nordic-Baltic Chief of defence meeting was conducted in Norway 29th and 30th January this year.

NCGM at the House of Sweden in Washington DC. Gender issues.
Discussion on Gender, Security and development – An issue of Operational Effectiveness 7 January 201511:56 PM

5th November at the House of Sweden in Washington DC, a panel debate and discussion was held regarding gender and its relation to operational effectiveness. The honourable Ambassador Melanne Verveer...

Commanding Officer Seminar, NCGM, Swedint
Integrate a gender perspective into the Commanders daily work 12 December 20145:04 PM

The Commanding Officer Seminar on Gender Perspectives was conducted the 2-4 of December, 2014 at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM).The Seminar aimed to increase Commanding...

Join the MTPC in February 2015 3 December 201412:37 PM

Want to participate in a creative international environment honing your planning skills? Then maybe SWEDINT is the right place for you to be in February 2015. Here you can experience staff work with...

NCGM holds Expert Meeting on Training Military to Combat Conflict-Related Sexual Violence
NCGM holds Expert Meeting on Training Military to Combat Conflict-Related Sexual Violence 28 November 201410:23 AM

Key experts from the UN, NATO, military training centres, national armed forces, civil society and academia came together at the Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) on 24-25...

Gender NCGM Training of Triners course at SWEDINT
A tool for Gender Mainstreaming 26 November 20149:16 AM

The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations’ (NCGM) 10 days Gender Training of Trainers Course ended last week with great result. 28 Military and Civilians from 18 different nations...

KARLSKRONA 2013-09-14
Bild från HMS Malmö, korvett av Stockholmsklass. Northern Coasts, NOCO 2013, är en marin multinationell övning där Nato- och EU-länder bjuds in att delta. Övningen genomförs mellan den 6-19 september i södra och mellersta Östersjön. Totalt deltar ett 40-tal fartyg, 10 helikoptrar och fler än 2500 soldater och sjömän från 14 olika nationer.
Confirmed submarine in the Stockholm archipelago 14 November 201411:46 AM

The Swedish Armed Forces now confirms that a submarine has violated Swedish territorial integrity. Results from the analysis following the intelligence operation conducted in October are unambiguous...