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For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

NCGM, Swedint, London
Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict 16 June 201412:38 PM

From 10 to 13 June 2014, representatives from over 120 countries, including over 80 Ministers, 600 government delegates1,000 experts, religious leaders, representatives of youth,military,...

Avslutningsbrief MTJSOC, SWEDINT
MTJSOC COMPLETED 12 June 20142:36 PM

On Monday 26 May 17 students from six different nations began studying at the Multinational Tactical Junior Staff Officer Course (MTJSOC) at SWEDINT. The course is the only one for this year and is...

NCGM in Zagreb, Croatia genoför GToT
NCGM IN ZAGREB 4 June 20147:22 PM

The Gender Training of Trainers course (GToT) at RACVIAC training Centre just outside Zagreb/Croatia was finalized 29th May. The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) mobile Education...

SWEDINT, avslutnings ceremoni UNSOC och UNCIVSOC
ENDEX at SWEDINT 26 May 20142:57 PM

A very successful end of exercise for UNSOC (UN Staff Officer Course) and UNCIVSOC (UN Civilian Staff Officer Course), with a lot of well experienced and motivated participants was finalized last...

NCGM i Zagreb, kurs Gender Train the Trainer

The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) is present in Zagreb arranging the second Gender Training of Trainers Course (GToT) in the region. The course is conducted by an agreement...

Last week for UNCIVSOC 20 May 20146:41 PM

Monday 12 of May 13 students from eight different nations began studying at the UNCIVSOC, United Nations Civilian Staff Officer Course at SWEDINT. The course is the first out of two courses for this...

UNSOC students in discussion with Major Håkan Lindgren at SWEDINT
Professional staff officers attending UNSOC 15 May 20146:33 PM

Monday 5 of May 41 students from eight different nations began studying at the UNSOC, United Nations Staff Officer Course at SWEDINT. The course is the first out of two courses for this year and is...

Danska och Svenska ÖB besöker SWEDINT
VIP visitors at SWEDINT 13 May 201411:57 AM

The Chief of Defence from Denmark, General Peter Bartram, and Sweden, General Sverker Göransson, visited SWEDINT last Wednesday and got the opportunity to meet the personnel and students at the...

CDR Jan Dumurray signerar överrenskommelse med Kroatien ang kurs Gender ToT
NCGM sign agreement in Croatia 10 April 20149:42 PM

Monday 7th April an agreement was signed in Zagreb, Croatia regarding a upcoming course to be conducted by NCGM at RACVIAC Regional Training Centre outside Zagreb.

Swedint, SWEDINT, vinterbild, skolbyggnad

Today ten years ago the new SWEDINT was inaugurated by the former Minister of Defense Leni Björklund. Over the past 10 years more than 10.000 students has been conducted a course at SWEDINT. The ten...