Latest news

For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

Policing VIKING 8 April 20115:50 PM

The police have an important role to play in establishing the rule of law in a mission.

Finnish and Swedish students facing the challenge together 8 April 201110:46 AM

At the Karlskrona Naval Base, over a hundred participants are training in international cooperation. Among those are students from the Swedish and Finnish National Defence Colleges, who will...

Human rights, a core value in peace operations 7 April 20115:14 PM

Human rights is an important aspect of the VIKING exercise. Dr. Annette M. Fath-Lihi´c  is a human rights officer from the Zentrum für Internationale Freidensmissionen.

Raimond Ozolins from Latvia has high expectations 7 April 20113:29 PM

The Baltic Defence College is represented by Major, Raimond Ozonlis, from Latvia. This is his second visit to Sweden, but his first time here as a part of VIKING.

An African VIKING in Enköping 7 April 20112:57 PM

Colonel, Mohammad Jama, from Somalia represents the EASBRIG, Eastern African Region Brigade, during VIKING11. The headquarter of the organisation is situated in Nairobi, Kenya. This is the first time...

A civilian dimension of VIKING, The Folke Bernadotte Academy 6 April 20117:53 PM

Mr. Jonas Alberoth is the Deputy Director General of The Folke Bernadotte Academy, but for the next few days his role is to bring a civilian dimension to VIKING11. By his side is his colleague from...

A voice from Down Under 6 April 20116:52 PM

Navy Captain Steve O´Keefe from Australia is bringing a new perspective to the exercise.

From historical US with knowledge for the future. 5 April 20117:23 PM

Only a few days ago, Lieutenant Colonel, Heidi Heinlein, left her hometown, where the Civil War Battle of Fredericksburgh took place. She is now in Enköping to contribute her knowledge of a different...

Exercise VIKING11 has started 5 April 201111:34 AM

More than 2000 participants from 31 nations and 35 Non Governmental Organisations are now arriving at different VIKING11 training facilities around Sweden. During the next ten days they will practice...

Towards Libya this weekend 4 April 20119:00 AM

This weekend the first sections of FL 01 (Air Force Libya) will set course for the Mediterranean. Hopefully by the middle of next week, the first Gripen aircraft will be airborne and patrolling Libyan...