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Svenska instruktörer har sedan 2022 deltagit i utbildningen av ukrainska rekryter i den brittiskledda Operation Interflex.
The Instructors Training the Ukrainians 14 March 20258:00 AM

Since its launch in 2022, more than 50,000 Ukrainians have received basic soldier training through the UK-led Operation Interflex. Instructors from the Home Guard and the Army are responsible for...

Swedish Navy (Marines) Maj. Gen. Rikard Askstedt (left), the Swedish Embassy Defense Attaché, Swedish Armed Forces Maj. Gen. Johan Pekkari (middle), Swedish Cyber Commander /Chief of Directorate of Strategic Plans and Policy, and U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas Hensley, 16th Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) Commander, pose for a photo at 16th Air Force Headquarters, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.

JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO - LACKLAND, Texas – All military operations rely on cyberspace — a complex domain connecting global computer systems, internet and other networks. It is a contested environment...

skoter k4 vinter arctic surgery challenge asc
Arctic Surgical Challenge – multinational training in subarctic environment 6 March 20254:55 PM

Advanced medical training, war surgery, and prehospital care were practiced by units from several different countries when they met and cooperated in northern Sweden under the leadership of the...

På utsatt tid och under högtidliga former kastade på torsdagen minröjningsfartyget HMS Ulvön inför anhöriga och gäster loss från Örlogshamnen i Karlskrona för att som första svenska örlogsfartyg under en längre tid ingå i ett av Natos stående förband. Fartyget och dess besättning ställs nu, som en del i minröjningsstyrkan SNMCMG1 (Standing Naval Mine Counter Measure Group 1), de närmaste två månaderna under Natos direkta befäl.
HSwMS Ulvön in NATO's standing naval force 28 February 20251:41 PM

At the designated time and in a solemn ceremony, on Thursday the mine countermeasure vessel HSwMS Ulvön cast off from the Naval Port in Karlskrona, in front of relatives and guests, becoming the first...

Med TOA-cermonin överlämnar den svenska armechefen befälet till den kanadensiska multinationella brigaden. 

TOA står för Transfer Of Authority.

The South Skåne regiment trains soldiers in armoured vehicle ground combat.

Södra skånska regementet, P 7, är beläget i Revingehed, cirka 20 kilometer öster om Lund. P 7:s  huvuduppdrag är att producera krigsförband för armén och utbilda soldater i markstrid.
NATO takes command of Swedish battalion 7 February 202512:30 PM

During a ceremony at Camp Valdemar in Latvia, Army Chief Jonny Lindfors handed over command of the Swedish battalion to Brigade Commander Colonel Cédric Aspirault, commander of NATO’s multinational...

buss, bår, försvarsmedicincentrum
Large-scale patient transportation – a need within the total defense and for NATO 31 January 202511:24 AM

As part of the total defence, Västtrafik has developed a bus to transport lying patients in the event of a crisis or war. The bus is a prototype with an interior of ten stretchers that can...

NATO protects critical undersea infrastructure 24 January 20252:37 PM

NATO has launched Operation Baltic Sentry. The aim is to enhance maritime surveillance and deter state or non-state actors from sabotaging critical undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. Sweden is...

NATO's top general delivers message to the Swedish Armed Forces 20 January 202510:14 AM

General Christopher G. Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), visits the Swedish Armed Forces podcast "Gå på, marsch!" In this episode, he addresses the personnel of the Swedish Armed...

Delar ur den svenska bataljonen landstiger i Lettland.
Historic Swedish force arrives in Latvia 18 January 20251:20 PM

In the early hours of Saturday January 18, the ship carrying parts of the Swedish battalion arrived at the port of Riga, escorted by the Swedish Air Force and units from the Swedish and Latvian navies...

Stridsvagn 122 under skarpskjutning.
The Army is reinforced with 44 New Tanks 16 January 20254:45 PM

There are currently 110 tanks in service. In a few years, the Swedish Armed Forces will receive an additional 44 tanks. A new directive from the government to the Swedish Defence Materiel...