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Med TOA-cermonin överlämnar den svenska armechefen befälet till den kanadensiska multinationella brigaden. 

TOA står för Transfer Of Authority.

The South Skåne regiment trains soldiers in armoured vehicle ground combat.

Södra skånska regementet, P 7, är beläget i Revingehed, cirka 20 kilometer öster om Lund. P 7:s  huvuduppdrag är att producera krigsförband för armén och utbilda soldater i markstrid.
NATO takes command of Swedish battalion 7 February 202512:30 PM

During a ceremony at Camp Valdemar in Latvia, Army Chief Jonny Lindfors handed over command of the Swedish battalion to Brigade Commander Colonel Cédric Aspirault, commander of NATO’s multinational...

buss, bår, försvarsmedicincentrum
Large-scale patient transportation – a need within the total defense and for NATO 31 January 202511:24 AM

As part of the total defence, Västtrafik has developed a bus to transport lying patients in the event of a crisis or war. The bus is a prototype with an interior of ten stretchers that can...

NATO protects critical undersea infrastructure 24 January 20252:37 PM

NATO has launched Operation Baltic Sentry. The aim is to enhance maritime surveillance and deter state or non-state actors from sabotaging critical undersea infrastructure in the Baltic Sea. Sweden is...

NATO's top general delivers message to the Swedish Armed Forces 20 January 202510:14 AM

General Christopher G. Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), visits the Swedish Armed Forces podcast "Gå på, marsch!" In this episode, he addresses the personnel of the Swedish Armed...

Delar ur den svenska bataljonen landstiger i Lettland.
Historic Swedish force arrives in Latvia 18 January 20251:20 PM

In the early hours of Saturday January 18, the ship carrying parts of the Swedish battalion arrived at the port of Riga, escorted by the Swedish Air Force and units from the Swedish and Latvian navies...

Stridsvagn 122 under skarpskjutning.
The Army is reinforced with 44 New Tanks 16 January 20254:45 PM

There are currently 110 tanks in service. In a few years, the Swedish Armed Forces will receive an additional 44 tanks. A new directive from the government to the Swedish Defence Materiel...

OPD signing US - Sweden
First year of the US and Swedish bilateral cyber partnership concluded 8 January 202511:23 AM

The Chief of Swedish Cyber Defence Major General Johan Pekkari and USEUCOM's Deputy Director of Plans and Operations Brigadier General James D. Cleet have met for their first annual review of the...

Sir Roland Walker på besök på Livgardet
They Achieve the Seemingly Impossible 11 December 202412:56 PM

The global situation, partnerships, and, of course, the war in Ukraine. When Army Commander Jonny Lindfors welcomed his British counterpart, Sir Roland Walker, for a few intense days, there was no...

The Swedish Armed Forces and United States European Command (USEUCOM) signed a bilateral letter of intent for cooperation regarding cyber defense.
Sweden and the United States increase interoperability within the cyber domain 29 October 20249:21 AM

Two weeks ago Sweden hosted an American delegation led by the U.S. European Command (USEUCOM) aiming to increase the interoperability and collaboration within the cyber domain.

Från vänster ställföreträdande marinchef Patrik Gardesten, fanjunkare Simon Abrahamsson, överbefälhavare Michael Claesson och Försvarsattaché Markus Brüggemeier. Simon Abrahamsson ingår i den första gruppen svenskar som bemannar staben i Rostock.
New Command to Lead NATO's Naval Forces in the Baltic Sea 7 October 202412:38 PM

On October 1st, CTF Baltic was established, a command staff with the purpose of leading NATO’s naval units operating in the Baltic Sea region, from the North Sea into the Baltic Sea and up to the Gulf...