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Radio broadcast mobilisation message in connection with AURORA 23 6 April 202311:59 AM

In order to exercise mobilisation measures in a realistic way, a mobilisation message is to be broadcast on the radio at the start of the exercise AURORA 23. Swedish Radio P4 will broadcast the...

Flygplan i luften.
Armed Forces Exercise AURORA 23 about to start 5 April 202310:32 AM

In two weeks time, the Armed Forces’ exercise Aurora 23 begins. The exercise is part of the continued enhancement of the Swedish Armed Forces’ operational capability. In total, some 26 000 people...

World Championship in a real winter environment
World Championship in perfect winter conditions 31 March 20233:21 PM

On 31 March, the patrol competition in Pagla was decided. The competition ended with two more golds for France, who won both the women's and men's classes. The patrol competition was the last...

På herrsidan stod Frankrikes lag 1 som segrare genom Jules Chappaz och Richard Jouve. Silvret gick till Avelino Naepflin och Beda Klee från Schweiz lag 1. På tredje plats slutade lag 1 från Finland. Den blå-vita flaggan representerades av Remi Lindholm och Ristomatti Hakola.
The 55th World Military Skiing Championship 2023 is under way 29 March 20232:09 PM

The championship started with a team sprint. The women’s sprint was won by Germany’s first team Catherina Hennig and Victoria Carl. The second team of France ended up on second place with skiers Flora...

Under tisdagen den 28 mars genomfördes första tävlingen, sprintstafett för damer och herrar, i det 55:e militära världsmästerskapet som arrangeras i Bodens garnison.
World elite skiers gather in Boden 22 March 20233:40 PM

The World Military Skiing Championship will be held in Boden from 27 March to 1 April. Many of the elite skiers belong to their respective nation’s armed forces, and many well-known stars are due to...

Medaljering FS 40.
Chief of Defence: “The efforts towards military integration into NATO will continue” 20 March 20231:59 PM

The fact that Finland is accepted as a NATO member before Sweden will not have any major consequences for Sweden, according to Chief of Defence Micael Bydén. “Our efforts towards a Swedish membership...

Soldater i stridsställning.
The Moral Component to be studied during Aurora 23 10 March 20233:22 PM

In the Russian war against Ukraine, the Ukrainian military forces capacity to resist and warfare capability have surprised an entire world. For the outcome of the fighting, the moral component has...

Soldater övar skydd och bevakning i Stockholm.
Popular trust in the Swedish Armed Forces at an all-time high 8 March 20232:09 PM

Of all Swedish public agencies, the Swedish Armed Forces is top-ranked as regards popular confidence. This is evident from the annual Confidence Barometer that ranks the people's trust and confidence...

Nato utbildning
Swedish officers trained in Nato tactical planning 2 March 202310:08 AM

Sweden is about to join Nato, which puts new demands on the Swedish Armed Forces. One task is to adapt military tactical planning according to Nato’s models, and this requires training of the Swedish...

Conscripts at the Air Defence Regiment weld stoves for Ukraine
Conscripts at the Air Defence Regiment weld stoves for Ukraine 1 March 20231:44 PM

As part of their welder training, conscript soldiers at the Air Defence Regiment build stoves to be sent to Ukraine.