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Swedish main battle tank “Stridsvagn 122” on site in Ukraine 21 September 20231:00 PM

It has been named the best armoured tank in the world - by experts and by those that use it alike. Now, ten Swedish armoured tanks (stridsvagn 122) are on the battlefield in Ukraine. Manned by...

Adversary defeated
Adversary defeated 14 September 202311:55 AM

With fighter jets and naval units, Sweden and Finland have exercised their joint capability of conducting anti-surface warfare against an adversary at sea. “In this type of exercises, we test the...

Soldater som springer
The National Home Guard trains Ukrainian recruits in the UK 6 September 20232:03 PM

Within the framework of the training mission Interflex, the National Home Guard is on site in the UK to provide basic military training to Ukrainian recruits. It is a historic event as it is the first...

Sverige och Finland övar under operation Omega, Utö
Sweden and Finland exercise joint defence 4 September 20238:02 PM

This week, Sweden and Finland are exercising the joint defence of both countries’ territories. The exercise is mainly conducted in the Stockholm archipelago and along the Norrland coast.

20230825 - WMPC 23
WMPC 23 – Close up Ukraine 25 August 20231:46 PM

There are many ongoing conflicts in the world, one of them in Ukraine. To be an athlete competing on a world championship level is demanding in many ways in peacetime. If your country is at war it...

Military Pentathlon World Championship hosted by Swedish Armed Forces
Military Pentathlon World Championship hosted by Swedish Armed Forces 22 August 20234:25 PM

Participants from all over the world are currently in the Swedish town of Halmstad to fight for the medals in the Military Pentathlon World Championship, organised by the Air Defence Regiment and the...

Amerikansk och svensk amfibiesoldat övar tillsammans
US Marine Corps back again in the Stockholm archipelago 15 August 202311:15 AM

At the end of August, the exercise Archipelago Endeavor is carried out for the fifth consecutive year since 2018. Some 150 US soldiers and officers will be training and enhancing their capabilities...

Amerikanska jagaren USS Roosevelt med deras Sea Hawk-helikopter under en övning i Östersjön.
HMS Härnösand in joint exercise with US destroyer in the Baltic Sea 8 August 20239:25 AM

During the Nato summit in Vilnius (11-12 July), Swedish corvette HMS Härnösand took part in a bilateral exercise with US destroyer USS Roosevelt.

Svensk JTAC-personal från K 3 på övning i alperna.
Swedish JTAC exercised in taxing Alpine environment 7 August 20233:04 PM

The capability to direct military aircraft to specific targets (JTAC) is a decisive factor for success in modern warfare. 11 Swedish rangers of the K 3 regiment participated in the Nato exercise...

Fyra stridsfordon på dammig grusväg.
Ukrainian soldiers ready for the front 8 June 202310:03 AM

On 24 February 2022, Russian missiles hit Ukraine. 10 days after the outbreak of the war, the first Swedish shipment of helmets, body armours, rations and light anti-tank weapons reaches Ukraine. A...