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Nato utbildning
Swedish officers trained in Nato tactical planning 2 March 202310:08 AM

Sweden is about to join Nato, which puts new demands on the Swedish Armed Forces. One task is to adapt military tactical planning according to Nato’s models, and this requires training of the Swedish...

Conscripts at the Air Defence Regiment weld stoves for Ukraine
Conscripts at the Air Defence Regiment weld stoves for Ukraine 1 March 20231:44 PM

As part of their welder training, conscript soldiers at the Air Defence Regiment build stoves to be sent to Ukraine.

Ukraina 2022-04-23,
Chernihiv, där Rysslands invasion mot Ukraina svept genom staden och förstört hela samhället.
Bilden: Förstörda byggnader och bilar nära en checkpoint i en förort till Chernihiv
Foto: Alexander Mahmoud / DN / TT / Kod: 3524
** SVD OUT **
A year of war in Europe 24 February 20234:52 PM

Right before dawn on 24 February 2022, the phone rang at then Chief of Joint Operations General Michael Claesson's house. "They have crossed the border, the attack has started”, said the voice on the...

Lastning av tält på C-17
Sweden contributes tents to earthquake hit Turkey 24 February 20231:43 PM

This week, a Swedish aircraft transported 500 tents from Pakistan to Incirlik in Turkey, the logistical hub for the humanitarian and emergency aid after the two major earthquakes.

USS Arleigh Burke är det första fartyget i sin klass.
US naval visit in Stockholm 17 February 20233:19 PM

USS Arleigh Burke (DDG-51) visits Stockholm 16 – 19 February. The last time a ship of the Arleigh Burke-class made a naval visit here was in March 2022.

Svensk militär personal på plats i Turkiet efter jordbävningen
Swedish Armed Forces' emergency rescue operation in Turkey concluded 17 February 202311:26 AM

On 16 February, personnel from the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) that participated in the rescue mission in Turkey landed in Sweden. And now the Swedish...

Officerare ur Royal Marines Commando övade tillsammans med Älvsborgs amfibieregemente i februari 2023.
Swedish-British cooperation on the west coast 10 February 202311:54 AM

For three days, British officers of the Royal Marines Commando have participated in an exercise together with the Älvsborg Marine Regiment, within the defense cooperation framework Joint Expeditionary...

Stridsfordon 90 från Gotlands regemente, P 18 framrycker under övning Baltops.

Baltops 22 genomförs den 5-16 juni i mellersta och södra Östersjön samt på strandnära landövningsområden i Tyskland, Sverige, Polen och de baltiska staterna. I övningen deltar 16 nationer och Nato med ett 40-tal fartyg, cirka 70 flygplan och totalt omkring 7.000 personer.
Host Nation Support in focus during defence exercise Aurora 23 7 February 202310:35 AM

Between 17 April and 11 May, the Swedish Armed Forces will exercise together with 14 other countries and parts of civil society. The exercise is based on a scenario in which Sweden is subjected to an...

C17 lastas i Mali
First materiel transport from Mali has arrived in Sweden 27 January 202312:57 PM

The Mali 17 unit is working hard to decommission the Swedish contribution to the UN mission Minusma.

PFAS-free extinguishing medium boosts the environmental efforts of the Swedish Armed Forces 20 January 20233:06 PM

In 2023, the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) will receive new fire and rescue vehicles as well as PFAS-free extinguishing agent for the activities of the Swedish Air Forces. Distribution of the new fire...