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UK Rangers
Norrland Rangers and UK Rangers side by side 13 October 20223:40 PM

“I´ve got your back!”, the UK ranger shouts, carrying a Swedish wounded ranger. In a unique exercise in northern Norrland, Sweden and the UK have tied closer ties and sharpened their capabilities in...

Baltic Striker 22
Swedish ground units guided UK fighter aricraft 13 October 20222:46 PM

Operation Baltic Striker 22 was conducted over the southern part of the Baltic Sea and Ravlunda shooting range, within the framework of defence cooperation Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF). The...

Stridsvagn 122 och stridsfordon framrycker längs med E18.
More than 26 000 soldiers participate in major Aurora 23 exercise this spring 5 October 202212:29 PM

The Aurora 23 exercise will be conducted from 24 April to 11 May 2023. With more than 26 000 participating soldiers from the army, navy, air force, national home guard and military units from 14...

The Swedish navy is vigilant year-round and around the clock 3 October 20223:22 PM

The serious security situation that we have become accustomed to has further deteriorated following the blasts of Nord Stream pipelines 1 and 2 last week. The Swedish Armed Forces continues to be...

Laura Swaan Wrede
Laura Swaan Wrede new Chief of the National Home Guard 28 September 20224:25 PM

On 30 September, Brigadier General Laura Swaan Wrede will take up office as new Chief of the National Home Guard and become Major General. Laura Swaan Wrede has had a long career in the Swedish Armed...

Himars, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, under övning med USA i Vidsel
US rocket artillery fought targets in Norrland 27 September 20224:26 PM

With increasing noise, a Hercules aircraft approaches the Vidsel airbase in Norrbotten. It lands and immediately unloads a vehicle-borne fire unit and a command post. In a limited period of time, the...

vigilant knife
Full steam ahead with Nato preparations 20 September 20223:52 PM

The Swedish contribution to Nato may consist of ships to the alliance’s permanent naval forces, combat aircraft to the stand-by forces for air policing and land units to the reinforcement units in the...

US bombers exercised mine dropping over Öland 5 September 20224:08 PM

On Friday, the Swedish Armed Forces conducted another joint exercise with US Air Force. Off the coast of Öland, sea mine dropping was exercised together with the navy.

800 Swedish troops under Finnish command in northern Finland
800 Swedish troops under Finnish command in northern Finland 30 August 20223:34 PM

This week, Finnish and Swedish army units are conducting a joint exercise on site in Finnish Lapland. Some 800 Swedish troops will be under Finnish command, together with more than 1 300 Finnish...

Peder Ohlsson Komm Dir
Peder Ohlsson is the new Chief of Communications and Public Affairs 26 August 20224:09 PM

On 26 August, the Swedish Armed Forces welcomed a new Chief of Communications and Public Affairs. Brigadier General Peder Ohlsson will now take office after the resigning chief, Brigadier General Mats...