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"Sweden must be prepared to play a larger role in Afghanistan" 22 December 200812:21 PM

A Swedish patrol came under, and returned, fire for two consecutive nights. Only a week previously the Swedish contingent had been the target of a bomb attack.¬ All three incidents had happy endings –...

Challenges and opportunities for the army of the future 22 December 200812:06 PM

During the Spring of 2009 the Swedish parliament is due to pass a new resolution on security and defence policy.  The proposed bill is partly based on the report of the Swedish Defence Commission,...

We need some plain speaking from both politicians and soldiers 22 December 200811:16 AM

Head of development for the Armed Forces, Major General Michael Moore, has had enough of a complicated context being left unexplained.

You have to dare to cross-examine yourself - both as a human being and as a leader 22 December 200811:08 AM

As a soldier's immediate superior the role of the platoon commander is one of the Armed Forces most important in passing on cultural values. If recruitment to the the new mission oriented Armed Forces...

Seminar for platoon commanders breaks down barriers 22 December 200810:57 AM

Peter Norén from F 17 in Såtenäs and Christoffer Lennings from Amf 1, Berga, were two of the platoon commanders at this year's conference in Vellinge, located to the south of Stockholm. They went home...

PfPJSOC students form the Nordic Battalion Headquarters 10 December 20084:39 PM

The course is at its final stage. A Command Post Exercise (CPX) is ongoing and the students are divided into branches forming a Nordic Battalion, NordBn.

Civil Military Relations (CMR) 10 December 200811:00 AM

How can we be more efficient in our help to people in desperate need of humanitarian aid in different missions?

Tactical Radio Communications for the future 8 December 200812:49 PM

Over the years the Armed Forces have had more than 800 different radio systems in their use. In 2003 a project aiming for gradually reducing the variety of radio equipment was initiated. “Our duties...

Combat Vehicle 90 for Afghanistan 28 November 20086:37 PM

Swedish troops have on two occasions been subjected to rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) attacks in Afghanistan. This is made clear in Army Inspector Berndt Grundevik’s analysis of the events of  7 and 8...

Last military course of 2008 26 November 20082:30 PM

This years last military course started on monday the 24 November. The students will form a battalion staff and practise their skills during a command post exercise in the second week of December.