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Corvette force being prepared for EU duty 21 November 20089:13 AM

The Government is expected soon to endorse Sweden’s participation in Operation Atalanta which is being launched by the EU on the basis of a UN mandate to protect the UN’s food aid consignments being...

Final Examination at the Field Work School 21 November 20088:39 AM

The final examination for students at the Swedish Army Field Work School undergoing Tactical Training, Field Work 2007/2008, was held on 13 November.

Equality is essential to achieving the desired effect 14 November 20088:13 AM

It is not only men but also women and children who suffer in a situation of conflict or war. In international operations it is therefore important to improve our knowledge and skills in relation to...

Taking Viking to higher levels 13 November 20089:17 PM

In a “crisis response” situation it is vitally important that there should be an immediate chain of communication between the air gunner and the Command level. During VIKING 08 a newly developed...

The police dimension 13 November 200811:28 AM

Police officer Håkan Svedberg has served on six missions and is now, with his five colleagues, providing the police dimension for VIKING 08.

Joint Operations Centre 13 November 200811:23 AM

The nerve centre for the peacekeeping forces in Bogaland is the headquarters of the Combined Joint Task Force. The central unit there is the Joint Operations Centre, JOC, where situation updates are...

When reality comes visiting 11 November 20084:50 PM

The exercise participants in Enköping and Kungsängen are now fully immersed in the roles they are playing. But reality occasionally intrudes when outsiders visit the various sites to collect...

A dream team of advisers 11 November 200811:02 AM

The Commander of the peacekeeping force BFOR has a staff of advisers covering a whole range of different aspects. Everything from civil-military relations, legal questions, gender, politics and...

To protect the prisoners 11 November 20088:37 AM

The prison chief in western Midas is threatening to release dangerous prisoners unless the UN comes to his assistance. The prisoners are suffering from malnutrition, water supplies have run out and...

More information about incidents in northern Afghanistan 10 November 20082:56 PM

Since October 31, there have been three incidents involving Swedish soldiers in Afghanistan. Despite these incidents, the security situation in the Swedish area of responsibility is still judged to be...