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For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

HMS Gotland.
Modified submarine to enhance Swedish striking power in the Baltic Sea 18 May 20202:37 PM

HSwMS Gotland is currently the most modern, silent and efficient submarine in the Baltic and North Seas. Last Thursday, the Swedish Armed Forces and the First Submarine Flotilla received the upgraded...

Gemensam sjömålsstrid.
The Swedish Armed Forces protects our coastline 11 May 202010:30 AM

The Swedish Armed Forces is exercising joint anti-surface warfare in a one of a kind readiness check. The adversary is simultaneously fought from the ground, the sea and the air.

Övningen Northern Coasts 2019 genomförs i södra Östersjön under september. Totalt deltar 30 fartyg från 13 nationer och 4000 sjömän. Sverige deltar med sju fartyg och 400 personer.
This is the reason why the Swedish Armed Forces continues to exercise 5 May 20204:24 PM

Recently, the decision was made to postpone the extensive military exercise Aurora 20, which was planned for May. However, that does not mean that the Swedish Armed Forces is halting all of their...

Rekryt vid Luftstridsskolan övar ned kulsprut 58.
Civilians risk their lives at military firing ranges 29 April 20209:24 AM

The Swedish Armed Forces sees a growing problem with civilians who accidentally or negligently enter military firing ranges during ongoing firing exercises. Despite the fact that it is prohibited as...

Utbildning av personal för hämtning av hemprovtagning covid 19 på P18.
Conscript soldiers assist the Public Health Agency of Sweden in mapping Covid-19 22 April 20202:34 PM

This week, the Public Health Agency of Sweden is conducting a national investigation of the occurrence of Covid-19 among the population. The Swedish Armed Forces is assisting in the collection of...

200417 Försvarsmakten levererar efterfrågad ny förmåga - militär helikoptertransport av Covid-19 patienter. En förmåga som under mycket kort tid har byggts upp av flera förband i Försvarsmakten och FMV som tillsammans med civila sjukvården kommer bistå civila samhället. Nationell resurs.
Helikopter 14 har en bakre lastramp i samma höjd som bårvagnen vilket gör att båren kan skjutas in direkt i helikoptern.
Corona-infected patients can now be transported by military helicopter 20 April 20208:53 AM

At 20:37 on Good Friday, one of the Swedish Armed Forces helicopters landed for the first time with a brand-new capability; to transport and treat critically ill corona-infected patients, with...

Rek inför Aurora 20.
Exercise Aurora 20 is postponed 3 April 20203:34 PM

The Swedish Armed Forces has made the decision to postpone the Aurora 20 exercise, planned to take place in May, due to the current situation in Sweden and the world, caused by the covid-19 pandemic...

Den 18 december 2019 besökte överbefälhavare, general Micael Bydén sin finske motsvarighet, general Timo Kivinen i Helsingfors. Under besöket undertecknade försvarschefer ett militärstrategiskt koncept för det fördjupade finsk-svenska försvarssamarbetet.
Sweden and Finland signs Military Strategic Concept for the deepened defence cooperation 18 December 20192:33 PM

On Wednesday 18, December Finnish Chief of Defence, General Timo Kivinen met with Swedish Chief of Defence, General Micael Bydén at the Defence Command in Helsinki. The main event for the meeting was...

International Search Advisor Course.
International collaboration reinforces the military search ability 16 October 20192:43 PM

From 16 th of September to 11 th of October an Advanced Search Advisor Course were facilitated by Göta Engineer Regiment. The course is a part of a project that European Defence Agency (EDA) started...

Finding a Swedish submarine is close to mission impossible 17 June 20191:22 PM

Somewhere beneath the surface of the Baltic Sea, a submarine moves slowly through the water. The sonar operators report to the officer in charge what ships are moving on the surface. Hunting a Swedish...