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JAS 39 Gripen at Luleå-Kallax during the first day of Arctic Challenge Exercise 2019. Photo: Jesper Sundstroem/Swedish Armed Forces
The Arctic Challenge Exercise 2019 is underway 28 May 20193:01 PM

For over a week now, foreign units have been in place in Lulea, Orland, Bodo, Rovaniemi, Jokkmokk, Hakkas and Gallivare to carry out the final preparations for the start of the exercise.

ÖB Micael Bydén håller anförande på Folk & Försvars rikskonferens i Sälen.
The Supreme Commander comments on the report of the Government Defence Commission 24 May 20199:58 AM

On 14 May, the Government Defence Commission, a working group consisting of representatives of all political parties, presented their report to the Defence Minister. The report contains proposals on...

Ordförande för arbetsgruppen överste Zac Scott, från Storbritannien och kommendör Fredrik Peedu, chef för Swedec.
SWEDEC hosted NATO working group 23 May 201911:21 AM

The Swedish Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Demining Centre (SWEDEC) has hosted NATO’s working group for standardization within the subject matter of Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), during five...

Svenska enheter på väg att fylla upp drivmedel under återhämtningsfasen.
Stronger defence together 29 March 201912:00 PM

Northern Wind 2019 is over, after almost two weeks of intensive exercise activity in a large exercise area in eastern Norrbotten. – I had hopes that this would be a good exercise, but the outcome is...

1921:a pansarskyttekompaniet under övning Höstlöv, november 2014.
Fatal accident during exercise Northern Wind 25 March 201911:33 AM

At 00.55 a.m. on 25 March, a serious accident occurred during exercise Northern Wind in eastern Norrbotten in northern Sweden. One person has been confirmed dead after having been hit by a combat...

Finske Jari Nenola från Björneborgs brigad tillsammans med svenske Jonas Lindström från Ledningsregementet är överens;  ”Båda länderna vinner på att vi hjälper varandra”.
Stronger together 24 March 201911:12 AM

At the highest levels of command, the Swedish and Finnish armed forces know each other well. At the same time, the links are also growing stronger at soldier level. Northern Wind 2019 is another step...

Mobile Training team, MTT, med nio officerare från Sverige och Finland genomförde under våren 2019 utbildning och träning för andra truppbidragande länder till Minusma.  Utbildningsinsatsen genomfördes i Timbuktu och var ett pilotprojekt som genomförs som en del i det nordiska försvarssamarbetet Nordefco.
Joint training efforts strengthen peacekeeping in Mali 22 March 201912:59 PM

Currently, a team of nine officers from Sweden and Finland is located in Timbuktu, Mali. The team is called “Nordic Defence Cooperation Mobile Training Team”, NORDEFCO MTT, and their mission is to...

Klart för vinterstrid! Soldater ur 192:a mekaniserade bataljonen är förberedda, nu startar arméövningen Northern Wind.
Ready for winter warfare 19 March 201910:50 AM

The planning work has been going on for 18 months. Preparation, winter training, battalion exercises and transportation have been going on for over a month, and now the participating units are in...

CMR (2018) - A MUCH NEEDED CONCEPT 19 November 20182:04 PM

At SWEDINT another Civil-Military Relations Course just ended. The CMR course aims to give participants knowledge and understanding of the need for civilian, military and police officers to develop...

Vagnchef från P4 håller ordergivning inför kommande anfall.
Time to take stock of Trident Juncture 18 9 November 20189:26 AM

Trident Juncture is now over, the vehicles have been unloaded, the emergency maintenance of equipment is completed and the Swedish personnel are on their way home to their units for some well-deserved...