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Sydikatledare MTPC II 2015
MTPC Completed 17 September 201512:00 PM

The first week is focused on general orientations and NATO Doctrine lectures, conducted by subject matter experts from NATO and SWEDINT, as well as civilians with relevant experience, in order to give...

Sydikatledare MTPC II 2015
MTPC at SWEDINT 16 September 201512:11 PM

21 students from 8 different countries are participating in the NATO/Partnership Multinational Tactical Planning Course (MTPC) started at SWEDINT Monday 31st of August.

Löjtnant Remco Strelitski från den holländska försvarsmakten har arbetat intensivt med blodcontainer. Här lämnar han symboliskt över en blodpåse under invigningen av containern till chefen Mali 02, överstelöjtnant Jonas Lotsne.
Blood container solves logistical challenge 11 September 20151:10 PM

As of a few weeks ago, the Swedish task force in Mali has been given access to one of the world's leading blood storage concepts. The result comes from a collaboration between The Netherlands and...

I flygvapenövningen övar luftstridskrafterna (flygvapnet och luftvärnet) förmågan att försvara Sverige. Övningen fokuseras kring luftstridskrafternas ledningsförmåga från taktisk nivå till förbandsnivå och genomförs från och med fredagen den 28 augusti till och med tisdagen den 1 september. Flygplanen klargörs och tankas innan nästa uppdrag. Stridspilot Stefan Kaarle väntar på att få starta.
In the nation's service 8 September 201511:39 AM

When the air force takes charge of Sweden's national defence during the air force exercise, it is a throwback to an earlier capacity. During his time as an air force fighter pilot, Stefan Kaarle has...

Ammunitionsröjningsinsats i Östersund
Munitions-clearing operation in Östersund 28 August 20154:00 PM

The old artillery range, Bynäset, was frequently used between 1926 and 2005 when the Jämtland wing was active. In 2005 frogmen from the Munitions Clearance Division started the extensive task of...

Submarine from 1916 found in Swedish waters 30 July 201511:39 AM

The Swedish Armed Forces has now analysed the video material depicting a sunken submarine. It is highly likely that this is the Russian submarine Som, which sank after a collision with a Swedish...

”A job well done – NBG was really ready to be deployed”
”A job well done – NBG was really ready to be deployed” 3 July 20152:57 PM

- “If feels good to say that the mission now is completed – the Nordic Battlegroup was really prepared and ready to be deployed. The seven countries in the Battlegroup have made a very good team...

Ambassador Marriët Shuurman stressed the importance of female representation, especially on the highest political and strategic levels.
Key Leader Seminar on gender perspectives 23 June 20159:15 AM

"1325 is alive, relevant and indispensable and we must live those values”. - Ambassador Marriët Shuurman, NATO SRSG for Women, Peace and Security.

Utrustning packades ombord på stridsbåtar som senare satte kurs och fart mot Karlskrona och senare mot Ravlunda skjutfält
The Baltops exercise has started 14 June 20152:51 PM

Last weekend it was full show in Gdyna, Poland. Personnel who were going to participate in the recently started Baltops exercise had gathered for briefing.

20150611 Enköping LedR NBG avslutning
“The best Battlegroup so far” 12 June 20151:01 PM

Nordic Battlegroup’s mission – to be ready as a strong contributor to the EU crisis management capability – will be completed on the 30th of June. In order to celebrate and honour the achievements of...