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Den 1 maj 2015. Besättningen på HNLMS Johan de Witt, den svenska styrkan och det multinationella styrkehögkvarteret tar emot EU:s medalj för genomförd insats.
Operation Atalanta Medal Presented to EU Naval Force Crews 6 May 20152:33 PM

On Thursday 30 April the ship’s company and international Force HQ staff based on board the EU Naval Force flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, were presented with their Operation Atalanta counter-piracy...

Under övningen sprängdes en skarp sjömina
Anti-submarine and anti-pirate operations at the same time 6 May 20151:50 PM

Anyone who has been in the Stockholm archipelago during the last few days will almost certainly have noticed one or two military vessels and combat ships moving in the area. For more than two weeks...

Great interest in the Swedish Armed Forces' exercise CJSE 15 6 May 201511:41 AM

There was an important visit to Enköping on Tuesday 21 April. The multi-national exercise, in which the Swedish Armed Forces practised international conflict management together with participants from...

"We are absolutely sure of our conclusion" 15 April 201512:40 PM

What does the photograph taken in Stockholm's inlet on 31 October really show? A submarine? Or something completely different? "It was not a submarine. We are completely sure of that. And we are still...

CASEVAC-moment under samövning mellan 71.Core Bn och NBG:s Helikopterenhet.
On standby – and ready for take off 10 April 20153:19 PM

More than 2,400 personnel from seven different countries are on standby ready to be deployed as part of Nordic Battlegroup, the European Union's rapid reaction force. During this six month standby,...

Polisen utbildar representanter från Försvarsmakten i terrorismbekämpning utifrån gällande lagar.
Increase skills in counter-terrorism 7 April 201511:22 AM

Lecturers from Säpo (Swedish Security Service), the national police force and the police's crisis management unit visited the Life Guards for a week and trained personnel from the Swedish Armed Forces...

Som en del av EU Naval Force beredduppgift (secondary support task) levererar fartyget HNLMS Johan de Witt två fordon till EUCAP Nestor. Detta sker genom en logistikoperation mot flygplatsen i Mogadishu. Svenska stridsbåtar agerar platformar för spaning och undersökning av stranden under den förberedande fasen och som närskydd för landstigande delar via den holländska LCU:n (Landing Craft Utility) under genomförandefasen.
Swedish combat boats outside of Mogadishu 30 March 20153:40 PM

On 13 March the unit ME 04 participated in a logistical operation just outside of Mogadishu. The operation involved transporting two vehicles from Djibouti to Mogadishu. The vehicles belong to the...

Militära skid-VM i Boden 2015.
Simple and effective 27 March 20155:02 PM

At 09.00 on Friday March 27 the patrol competition started. The race ended with two more gold medals for France who won both the women's and men's class. Patrol competition was the final stage of the...

Militära skid-vm 2015
More gold medals for France and Sweden 27 March 20159:29 AM

Thursday's races in the World military skiing championship offered another Swedish gold when Niklas Henriksson and Emma Bergstrom managed to win the ski orienteering mix team sprint. The swedes also...

Bild från övning Vintersol 11 mars, 2015.
Danish-Swedish attack from the north 26 March 20153:52 PM

One of the aims of Winter Sun is for the units to practise the ability to fight in an unknown environment against skilled opponents. The enemy is a mix of a Danish armoured infantry company and a tank...