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150528 ACE 15. I slutet av landningsbanan spänns en vajer upp för att som sista anhalt stoppa F-16 Fighting Falcon.
Full stop with the cable 1 June 201510:13 AM

Arctic Challenge Exercise involves several types of fighter aircraft. One of those is the F-16 Fighting Falcon, fighters that need specific preparations to be able to participate in the exercise.

ACE 2015. F-16 Fighting Falcon. US Air Force.
From Italy to Sweden 29 May 20159:24 AM

The Nordic air power exercise ACE 2015 is ongoing. The exercise involves about 3,600 people from nine different countries. One of the nations that are based on Norrbotten Wing, is the United States.

SWEDINT UNJOC course, United Nations Junior Officer Course.

Video launched to promote the UNTAC course in purpose to have a glimpse how the course is conducted. Produced by the SwAF Combat Camera.

UN SRSG on Sexual Violence in Conflict visited SWEDINT and NCGM,
Zainab Bangura
UN SRSG visit SWEDINT 25 May 20156:37 PM

On 19 May 2015, SWEDINT welcomed the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Zainab Bangura, to the Life Guards Regiment. The Office of the SRSG and the...


Röjdykare ur 33. Minröjningsdivisionen på HMS Sturkö. 
HMS Sturkö HMS Sturkö, M14, är ett minröjningsfartyg av Spåröklass. Bemanningen består av nio officerare, fyra sjömän och fyra röjdykare.
33. Minröjningsdivisionen tillhör Tredje sjöstridsflottiljen som är ett svenskt marint insatsförband inom Försvarsmakten. Förbandets stab är förlagt till Karlskrona i Blekinge.
Casting off for safer seas 25 May 201510:27 AM

Over the course of the world wars, close to 75,000 mines were laid out in the Baltic Sea. An unknown number remain at the bottom of the sea. The Swedish Navy, together with other nations, annually...

Sweden and Finland combine forces in a joint naval training initiative
Sweden and Finland combine forces in a joint naval training initiative 25 May 201510:15 AM

The coming weeks will see the arrival of FINSWEEX-15, where the Swedish and Finnish naval forces train together. The exercise began on Monday, and all Swedish naval units are participating.

UNSOC I 2015, Staffoficers in action
Professional United Nation Staff Officers attending UNSOC I at SWEDINT. 11 May 20156:37 PM

Monday 4 of May 36 students from fifteen different nations began studying at the UNSOC, United Nations Staff Officer Course at SWEDINT. The course is the first out of three courses for this year and...

Precis klockan 18.15.51 på fredagkvällen lyfte för första gången en svensk TUAV under FN-flagg i Afrika.
Eagle takes to the African skies 11 May 201510:25 AM

For the first time ever, a Swedish tactically unmanned aerial vehicle, a TUAV, lifted under the UN flag in Africa. The aerial vehicle, the UAV 03 Örnen (Eagle) of the Swedish Armed Forces, is one part...

Ceremoni i Seul med anledning av överlämning av chefskapet för NNSC.
Change of command in South Korea 11 May 20159:46 AM

On 29 April a change of command was carried out in the Swedish contingent that belongs to NNSC, in South Korea. The transfer of command from Major General Berndt Grundevik to Major General Mats Engman...

Överlämningen av befälet för EU Naval Force tar plats på det nederländska flaggskeppet HNLMS JOHAN DE WITT som ligger för ankar i DJIBOUTI.Den svenske styrkechefen Jonas Haggren lämnar över befälet till sin spanske efterträdare Alfonso Gomez de Cordobá. Därmed är EU NAval Force 19:e rotation formellt avlöst.
Sweden hands over to Spain 7 May 201512:21 PM

On Wednesday 6 May 2015 Rear Admiral Alfonso Gómez from the Spanish Navy, assumed command of Operation Atalanta’s Force Headquarters (FHQ) during a ceremony held in Djibouti. Rear Admiral Gomez...