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For a complete list of news, please visit the Swedish version of the website.

Military world skiing championships 2015
Vive la France! 26 March 20151:08 PM

During Wednesdays competition in the World Military Skiing Championships the men's and women's giant slalom was settled, and the French stood victorious in both classes. Adrien Theaux won the men's...

Guld och silver till Sverige vid skidorienteringen i Militära skid-VM i Boden 2015.
Gold and silver to Sweden! 25 March 20159:44 PM

At the second day of competition during the World military skiing championship, Erik Blomgren from Sweden won the gold medal in the discipline ski orienteering with a safe margin. In the ladie’s class...

SWEDINT UNJOC course, United Nations Junior Officer Course.
UNTAC 2015 completed 25 March 20157:26 PM

UNTAC; the United Nations Tactical Course, is a theoretical and hands-on mixed course targeted for non-commissioned officers, warrant officers and officer working on squad, platoon and company levels....

Cross country team sprint for both men and women in the World Military Skiing Championship in Boden 2015.
Finland had the best finish 25 March 20157:10 AM

Now the World Military Skiing Championship in Boden has begun. Tuesday was devoted to training for the participants in all disciplines, but in the afternoon the first competition also was decided. It...

More than 250 participants from 20 nations arrived to Sweden and the 53rd World Military Skiing Championship on Monday the 23rd of March.
The world's best skiers going for gold in Boden 23 March 20158:31 PM

About a month ago, she was one minute after Charlotte Kalla in the 30 km classic style at the world championships in Falun. Now she and several others from the world's elite is in Boden to compete for...

Swedint, NCGM, GFA, Gender Field Adviser Course 2015
NCGM´s GFA course on Instagram 11 March 20152:43 PM

Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) has performed yet another successful Gender Field Advisor (GFA) course, 23 February - 6 March. The course had 26 participants from 18 different...

Helikopter 16 ingående i Nordic Battlegroup redo att lyfta.
Nordic Battlegroup is ready and on standby. 2 March 201511:58 AM

During the standby period we are maintaining our capabilities, keeping us updated on the situation in potential mission areas and listening to our respective officers in command, who have the most...

Svenska stridsbåtar patrullerar utanför Somalias kust för att skapa sig en uppfattning om normalbilden i området. För ledning, stöd och underhåll medföljer en nederländsk LCU (Landing Craft Unit).
Swedish Fast Assault Craft Conduct First Mission with EU Naval Force 25 February 20153:28 PM

Two Swedish Navy CB90 Fast Assault craft that are currently embarked in the EU Naval Force flagship, HNLMS Johan de Witt, have carried out their first tasking since joining the EU Naval Force...

General Staff Course I Belgrade, Serbien
NCGM holds Gender Seminar for Commanding Officers in Serbian Armed Forces 20 February 201511:02 AM

On 3 February 32 Commanding Officers attending the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff course participated in an NCGM-lead seminar about gender in military operations. The seminar was held at the...

MTPC COMPLETED 19 February 20155:29 PM

30 students from 14 different countries are participating in the Multinational Tactical Planning Course (MTPC) conducted at SWEDINT. The three week course is open to NATO and partner countries. The...