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Den 18 och 20 februari 2014 genomförde instuktörer från Sverige och Norge en så kallad "Female Searcher training" i centrala Mazar-e-Sharif. Syftet med detta var att utbilda kvinnor till att verka som kontrollanter vid vallokalerna under det afghanska presidentvalet 2014.
NCGM’s work appreciated by president Obama 16 May 20161:20 PM

In connection with the recent visit of presidents and prime ministers from the Nordic countries to U.S. president Obama, the White House press office published a joint U.S.-Nordic statement praising...

DDR Planning Course, Swedint, NCGM

”I realised the other day that I was the only native English speaker there, and I said to myself you’d better do well, Ben, because you have got a big advantage here. It’s such a multi-cultural course...

UNSOC, United Nations Staff Officer Course at SWEDINT/NCGM
The UNSOC – diversity with quality 10 May 201610:46 AM

SWEDINT offers a variety of courses aimed at military, police and civilian personnel, all between one a three weeks. One of the larger courses, both in terms of course length and number of...

CJSE 16, Malin Persson och Anders Grenstad i en diskussion om militärstrategisk kommunikation.
Never Lose Sight of the Ultimate Goal 27 April 20164:52 PM

The term StratCom is something of a buzzword right now. It relates to the importance of never losing sight of the goal and thinking in broad terms when planning military operations. During the...

Joint Logistic Support Group (JLSG) i CJSE 16.
Everyone has something to learn 23 April 20166:49 PM

As the exercise scenario continues to unfold and gain momentum, participants of the Combined Joint Staff Exercise, CJSE 16, are now defining and shaping their roles and work routines. It is vital for...

CJSE 2016, TOC, multinationella brigaden.
International Exercise with a License to Learn 22 April 20161:39 PM

Around 1,200 participants from almost thirty nations are gathering now for this year's major international leadership training exercise, Combined Joint Staff Exercise, CJSE 16, in Enköping, Karlskrona...

Brigadchef finska pansarbrigaden i Hämmenlinna överste Pekka Järvi, svensk militärattaché i Finland överste Bo Stennabb tillsammans med Stefan Sandborg, ställföreträdande regementschef och brigadchef 2.brigaden och Joacim Hallberg, Fredrik Månsson, Johan Lindgren från Skaraborgs regemente.
Finnish-Swedish collaboration in focus 18 April 20162:21 PM

“Thank you for a great visit, I’m looking forward to the next time", said deputy regimental commander Stefan Sandborg after an interesting and successful visit to the Armoured brigade in Hämmenlinna...

Övningsområdet består av mycket träskmark vilket kan medföra att granatkastaren måste grävas ner
Full speed towards Scotland 18 April 201612:55 PM

The largest multinational military exercise in Europe under the name Joint Warrior has started. The exercise comprises units from all defence arenas, Navy, Army and Air force and will mainly take...

Change of Command at NCGM, Jan Dunmurray hand over the shield to Lars Berglund, SWEDINT, NCGM.
“My ultimate goal is to make us all redundant...” 15 April 201612:15 PM

Four years after the inauguration of NCGM, the centre is well established and into its next phase, accentuated by the arrival of a new commanding officer. Cdr Jan Dunmurray, first and founding CO now...

160308 Övning i spridd klargöring på krigsbas och start från kortbana. Mercedes Sprint, personbil 8.
Exercising at military bases 5 April 20164:37 PM

It takes team work to enhance the military capabilities of the combat unit. A new concept and a new method has been tested to deliver enhanced military capabilities during daily activities.