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United Nations Tactical Course, UNTAC completed at SWEDINT/NCGM
UNTAC 2016 COMPLETED 1 April 20168:33 AM

The two week long annual UNTAC is now successfully been completed. Seventy participants from thirteen different nations were trained and tutored by international experienced instructors.

Under söndagen den 28 februari lossades de två transportfartyg som fraktat  320 svenska fordon från Viktoriahamnen i Luleå till övningen Cold response 2016
Logistics operation in large format 8 March 201610:00 AM

The two transport vessels carrying most of the Swedish vehicles from port Viktoria in Luleå to the exercise area in Nord-Trøndelag were unloaded on Sunday 28 February. "We have unloaded 320 vehicles,...

UNMCPP, Nairobi, Kenya, SWEDINT
UN MCPP up running 7 March 201610:00 PM

Finally the two-week long United Nations Military Planning Process Course is up and running. The opening ceremony for the UNMCPP course was conducted at the Humanitarian Peace Support School (HPSS) in...

Swedint in Nairobi, Africa running the UN course NORDEFCO MCPP
NORDEFCO running the UNMCPP in Nairobi 7 March 20169:14 PM

For the fifth time SWEDINT, as part of the NORDEFCO support to Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), has arrived in East Africa in order to conduct training for military staff officers in the UN...

Utbildningsinsatsen i Irak
Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces visits training unit in Iraq 7 March 20165:26 PM

Swedish soldiers have been training Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq since August last year. The Supreme Commander, General Micael Bydén, was recently on the ground to meet the unit and to form his...

Vintersol 2016. Enheter från 42:a mekbataljonen, 212:e ingenjörskompaniet anfaller och bryter mineringar. Enheter ur 191:a mekbataljonen (röda kryss på fordonen) fördröjer
"We are well prepared for Norway" 19 February 20164:58 PM

Exercise Vintersol is over for this time. Eight units from all over the country have been practising attack and delay battle tactics for almost a week. "We are very satisfied with Vintersol. Most of...

Swedint Course MTPC 1 2016

In a few days participants are finishing their three-week Multinational Tactical Planning course (MTPC) at SWEDINT. Aiming to familiarise and prepare nationally trained staff officers from NATO and...

A Good Day at the Artillery Regiment 9 February 20169:50 AM

The Monday of February 1st was a long-awaited day for the A 9 Artillery Regiment in Boden. Namely the first day of the month involved a handover ceremony where the Archer artillery system was the...

Nederländerna är en viktig samarbetspartner då samarbetet bland annat medger utveckling av amfibieförmågan, Svenska soldater ombord på en Nederländsk båt under övning i Storbritanien
European amphibious operations capabilities 1 February 201611:11 AM

In 2000, five EU nations with the capacity for conducting amphibious operations formed an organisation called the European Amphibious Initiative (EAI). The initiators were France, Italy, the...

I flygvapenövningen övar luftstridskrafterna (flygvapnet och luftvärnet) förmågan att försvara Sverige. Övningen fokuseras kring luftstridskrafternas ledningsförmåga från taktisk nivå till förbandsnivå och genomförs från och med fredagen den 28 augusti till och med tisdagen den 1 september. Flygplanen klargörs och tankas innan nästa uppdrag. Stridspilot Stefan Kaarle väntar på att få starta.
2000 flight hours in Gripen 14 December 20153:18 PM

In December, Stefan Kaarle, fighter pilot and one of the Swedish Air Force’s demonstration pilots, beat the record by becoming the first pilot in the world to pass 2000 flight hours in the Jas 39...