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151027. Trident Juncture 2015. Natos NRF-övning med deltagande från F 21 (Swedish Fighter Unit) i Beja, Portugal. Jas 39 Gripen startar från Beja flygbas (Air Base 11).
Approved result 11 December 20158:38 AM

There has been feverish activity at F 21 in recent weeks. The Swedish Fighter Unit, which has been in readiness for NATO’s Response Force from the beginning of the year, has conducted a NATO...

Commanding Officer Seminar on Gender at SWEDINT/NCGM
CO SEMINAR COMPLETED 3 December 201512:32 PM

This week Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM) has completed yet another of our NATO accredited activities as Department Head of all gender curricula on Gender – The annual...

I veckan befinner sig drygt 80 soldater och officerare från Jaeger brigade i Sodankylä, 
i Boden för att öva tillsammans med enheter från Pansarbataljonen vid Norrbottens regemente. Övningen är en del av det fördjupade försvarssamarbetet mellan de nordiska länderna.
Finnish soldiers exercising in Boden 30 November 201511:05 AM

Last week more than 80 soldiers and officers from the Jaeger Brigade in Sodankylä were in Boden on exercises together with units of the armoured battalion in the Norrbotten Regiment. The exercises are...

The Swedish Armed Forces follow Säpo’s elevation 27 November 20152:39 PM

On the account of the Swedish Security Service’s raising the terror threat level against Sweden last week, the Swedish Armed Forces have updated the threat level with regard to the threat of terrorism...

Gender GToT NCGM kursavslutning
GToT Completed 20 November 20159:51 PM

The Gender Training of Trainers Course (GToT) held at Swedint/NCGM has once again gathered an impressively experienced and motivated group of students.

Operatörer från Särskilda operationsgruppen (SOG). Specialförbanden övar nationellt försvar på Gotland. Specialförband.
Not only internationally - special units defend Sweden too 20 November 20153:16 PM

Their number and working methods are top secret. Likewise their skills, actions and training locations. However, it is now clear that the Swedish Armed Forces' special units have trained on Gotland.

Swedint / NCGM besök till NATO ACT HQ, USA

The delegation met and discussed in depth different issues regarding education and training processes and systems. The main effort was to ensure that relevant courses are conducted in best possible...

Kapten Krister Karlsson är chef för den komplext sammansatta sjukvårdsplutonen vid den svenska FN-styrkan i Mali.
Top class healthcare chain 26 October 20154:57 PM

A good healthcare chain is a necessity for Swedish troops operating abroad. A specially designed concept has been put into service for the Swedish UN force in Mali. It has everything from a trauma...

Seabed mapping, for safer shipping 22 October 20153:32 PM

The time is 04:40 when the speaker system crackles and calls out "Battle stations!". Half of the crew jump out of their beds and get dressed on the hoof as they run towards their battle stations. The...

Under FVÖ genomfördes parallellt övningen Arctic Fox med syfte att träna Swedish Fighter Unit.
Contribution by the Swedish Air Force to NATO crisis management 8 October 20153:23 PM

From 1 January 2016, personnel from the Norrbotten Wing will be in readiness for the NATO Rapid Response Force. The unit, which consists of the 211th Fighter Division and the 2nd Airbase Battalion, is...